About BSS in Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ)

Department of Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ)


The Department of Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) at United International University (UIU) offers a four-year undergraduate program covering the diverse fields of human communication, media studies and journalism. After completing BSS (Honours) in Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) Program, the students will become suitable professionals by learning theoretical perspectives, practical know-hows, professional ethics and human values.

The human communication is an eclectic discipline which is always undergoing persistent transformation. The trend of revolution in the sector has been more visible for the technological innovations especially driven by the internet-based online communication. Such changes have created communication convergence demanding new knowledge, skills and professional competencies. Producing capable graduates for addressing the growing needs of media and communication industries in Bangladesh is critical in the present context. The academic programme has been designed in a manner which facilitates the media and communication sectors with the services of the proficient human resources.

Vision of the Department: Contributing to the construction of a knowledge-based information society with higher sense of human values through establishing a center of excellence in the fields of media, communication and journalism of international standard concentrating on academic learnings, research and professional skills.

Mission of the Department: The Department of Media Studies and Communication (MSC) under the School of Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSS) will strive for creating a congenial and dynamic teaching, learning and working atmosphere for generating and disseminating knowledge in creative manner and thus serving the society being ethically driven to establish equal opportunities for all, promote freedom of expression and uphold high sense of human dignity.

Bachelor of Social Science (Honors) in Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) 


The overall objective of the programme is to impart knowledge and develop skills required to prepare the graduates competent, empathetic, ethically driven and socially responsible professionals to contribute to the society for promoting humanity, peace and social justice through innovative knowledge, wisdom and professional skills in human communication media and journalism.

The specific objectives of the program include to:

  • expedite the graduates conceptualize, analyze and acquire extensive knowledge of human communication, media and journalism;
  • enable the students to become high-skilled and sensible media and communication professionals and responsible citizens of the country;
  • enhance student’s ability in critical thinking, decision making and problem-solving in media, communication and journalism;
  • cultivate managerial, entrepreneurial, and leadership skills in journalism and communication;
  • facilitate experiential learning, research, training and advocacy in the diverse fields of human communication;
  • develop a strong foundation in the areas of latest media and communication technologies especially in communication and media convergence driven by internet-based social media digital platforms;
  • contribute to the societies’ positive transformation through advocacy for media literacy, social changes, good governance  and sustainable developments;

Career Prospects

The students will be awarded the degree of the Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) in Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ). This program prepares the students for a wide variety of careers, including those in Journalism, Film-Video and TV production, Social and Digital Media productions, Public Relations and Corporate Communication, Advertising and CSR,  Development Communication, Behavior Change Communication (BCC), Human Resources, Social and Digital Media campaign and management, in different government and non-government organizations, international agencies, and multinational corporations in Bangladesh and abroad. The academic, research and practical skills that we offer to prepare the graduates for career leadership positions in Journalism, Communication, Public Relations, trade and industry, consultancy, public policy and politics, diplomacy, research and teaching. The Department offers a number of market-oriented and demand-driven professional courses. The key courses taught in the department offer ample opportunities of career development:

Name/Areas of the professional coursesCareer windows/facilities
  Television Reporting , Program Anchoring & TV Performance  TV reporter, news presenter, newsroom editor, TV broadcaster, producer, programmer, marketing & promotion officer
Online JournalismOnline journalists i.e. reporter, copy editor, page designer
Development Issues and CommunicationCommunication officer, liaison officer, advocacy officer, policy officer, strategic officer,  research officer, training officers, behaviour change officers, community mobilizers/facilitators  in national and  international NGOs, donor agencies, UN system agencies, research, training and advocacy organizations    
Public Relations & Corporate CommunicationPublic Relations Officer (PRO), media relations officer, outreach communication officer, customer care officer/relations officer of business houses/corporates, banks, insurance, export-import agencies, NGOs, Donors and Development organizations, Government offices like Ministries and various government offices/departments, Embassies, High commissions, foreign diplomat’s offices 
Digital and Social Media CommunicationDigital media marketing, online entrepreneur, outsourcing , webcaster
Mass CommunicationMedia managers, officers, entrepreneurs, promotion officers
Reporting for Media; Specialized ReportingReporters of TV, Radio, Newspaper, News magazine, Online Portals etc.
PhotojournalismPhotojournalist, press photographer, independent professional photographers
Editing and Page Make-upSub-editor, copy editor, newsroom editor of Newspaper, News magazine, Online Portals, TV and Radio
Video /digital Production/animationVideo editor, animator, Videographer
Radio JournalismRadio reporter, copy editor, broadcaster, RJ, programmer
Advertising & copywritingCopywriter, Designer, Event Manager, Creative writer, Marketing/promotion officer, media manager
Communication research methodologyMedia researcher, communication researcher, research associates of NGOs, Government organizations, research and consultancy firms etc.
Film StudyFilm maker, documentary maker, short film producer which has a very wide market for freelance work with corporate and international organizations.
Editorial & Feature WritingFeature writer, editorial; assistants, creative and analytical writer, freelance writers for different organization etc.

Requirements for BSS in Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ)

Admission Requirements

Every applicant without any exception must fulfill the admission requirements as laid down by UIU. A Higher Secondary Certificate or its equivalent in Science, Arts, Business Studies or other fields of study is the basic educational requirement. Candidates having at least GPA of 2.50 in SSC and HSC or in equivalent degrees are eligible to apply for admission to the Bachelor of Social Science (BSS) in Media Studies and Journalism Program. Candidates who have passed at least 5 papers in GCE “O” Level (with Mathematics as one of the subjects) and two papers of “A” Level may also apply provided that they have obtained 2.5 points (weighted average) in both O & A level computed according to the following scale: A=5, B=4, C=3, D=2 and E=1.GED results will, however, not be accepted. Application will, however, be evaluated on the basis of the both previous academic achievements and university Admission Test scores. Admission Test will consist of a written examination on language, mathematics, general knowledge and analytical skills, followed by an interview conducted by the university.

Credit Requirements

To achieve a BSS degree in MSJ, a student has to complete 140 credits in total. There are four streams of courses in the proposed four-year BSS (Hons) in Media Studies and Journalism (MSJ) programme. The students need to complete all the required courses as per the syllabus. The summary of the course is given below:

Course TypeNumber of Credits
A.    General Courses30
B.    Core Courses
       1. Courses on Journalism 35
       2. Courses on Media Studies21
       3. Courses on Public Relations9
4. Courses on Communication18
       5. Other Core Courses12
C.   Core Optional Courses12
D.   Project/Internship3

Degree Requirements

Each student must fulfill the following requirements for the completion of the BSS (Hons) program

  • Completion of 140 credit hours
  • Successful completion either of “Research Project/ Research Monograph” or  “Internship/ Practicum”
  • Passing of all courses individually and maintaining a minimum CGPA of 2.00 out of 4.00.

Course Details of MSJ

Total Semesters: 8 (2 in a year)

Total duration of the BSS (Hons) program is 4 (four) years. Semester system will be followed in this programme. There will be 2 (Two) semesters in a year of which each semester will be of 6 (six) months duration. There will be 28 classes in each of the courses and duration of each class will be 90 minutes. There would have extensive field works for the students in every semester for enhancing up the learning processes.

The schedule for one academic year will be as follows:

Semester-ISpringJanuary – June

Course Information

  1. General Courses (10 courses/30 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
ENG 1001English I3
IOC 1001Computer Operation Skills3
BDS 1001Bangladesh Studies3
ENG 1002English II3
GED 2001Contemporary Affairs3
GED 2002Social and Political Institutions3
GED 2003Bangla Language and Literature3
ERS 4001Employment Readiness Skills3
SSAP 1001Soft Skills and Art of Presentation3
GED 3004History of the Emergence of Bangladesh3
  1. Core Courses
  2. Core Courses on Journalism (15 courses/35 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
MSJ 1101Fundamentals of Journalism3
MSJ 1102Information Gathering and News Writing3
MSJ 1103Introduction to Editing3
MSJ 2104News Reporting3
MSJ 2105Graphic Journalism (Theory)2
MSJ 2106Graphic Journalism (Lab)1
MSJ 2107Editing and Page Make-up (Theory)2
MSJ 2108Editing and Page Make-up (Lab)2
MSJ 2109Specialized Reporting3
MSJ 3110Radio Journalism3
MSJ 3111Online and Multimedia Journalism (Theory)2
MSJ 3112Online and Multimedia Journalism (Lab)2
MSJ 3113Photojournalism (Theory)2
MSJ 3114Photojournalism (Lab)1
MSJ 4115Editorial and Feature Writing3
  1. Core Courses on Media Studies (07 courses/22 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
MSJ 1201Digital Storytelling and Scriptwriting (Theory)2
MSJ 1202Digital Storytelling and Scriptwriting (Lab)1
MSJ 2203Digital Content Production-Lab3
MSJ 2204Video Production-Lab4
MSJ 2205Media Laws and Ethics3
MSJ 3205Motion Graphic and Video Composition (Lab)3
MSJ 3206Camera and Cinematography (Lab)3
MSJ 4207Media, Culture and Society3
  1. Core Courses on Public Relations (4 courses/09 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
MSJ 3301Advertising and Content Creation3
MSJ 3302Corporate Communication, CSR and Public Relations3
MSJ 4303Digital Marketing (Theory)2
MSJ 4304Digital Marketing (Lab)1
  1. Courses on Communication (7 courses/18 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
MSJ 1401Fundamentals of Human Communication3
MSJ 1402Interpersonal, Group and Organizational Communication3
MSJ 1403Social and Digital Media Communication (Theory)2
MSJ 1404Social and Digital Media Communication (Lab)1
MSJ 2405Mass Communication Process3
MSJ 3406Development Communication and Strategic Planning3
MSJ 4407Theories of Communication3
  1. Other Core Courses (4 courses/12 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
MSJ 1501Bangla for Media3
MSJ 2502English for Media3
MSJ 3503Communication Research Methodology3
MSJ 3504Statistics for Communication Research3
  1. Core Optional Courses (4 courses/12 credits)
Course CodeCourse TitleCredit
MSJ 2001/ MSJ 2002Economic Perspective and Issues or, Media Industry and Business Planning3
MSJ 2003/ MSJ 2004Gamification in Journalism or Animated Journalism3
MSJ 3005/ MSJ 3006Film Theory and Language or Cinema and Cultural Industry3
MSJ 4007/ MSJ 4008Television Journalism and News Presentation or, News Casting and Program Anchoring  3
  1. Internship/Project

Project/Internship                                         01 Course/03 Credits

MSJ 4009Internship/Project: Report Submission and Viva Voce         3

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