Mr. Md. Mizanur Rahman

Lecturer, Department of Environment & Development Studies

ROOM: 735 C PABX: 7203


Md. Mizanur Rahman currently holds the position of Lecturer within the Department of Environment and Development Studies at United International University (UIU), Bangladesh. He has been diligently serving in this capacity since the commencement of his tenure in April 2021. He was awarded the Bachelor of Social Sciences (BSS) and Master of Social Sciences (MSS) degrees in Sociology by the University of Dhaka in the years 2016 and 2017, respectively. Prior to his appointment as a Lecturer, Rahman held the distinguished role of a research fellow at the Institute of Development Studies and Sustainability (IDSS) within UIU, commencing from October 1, 2019, and concluding on April 2, 2021. In addition to his fellowship at IDSS, he enriched his academic and professional portfolio by serving as a Research Associate during the year 2020. His responsibilities were focused on conducting comprehensive feasibility studies for the establishment of six (06) government medical colleges and hospitals, three (3) government medical universities, and two (2) nursing colleges within Bangladesh.

His professional trajectory is further embellished by his experiences gained through active involvement with governmental entities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and internationally recognized non-governmental organizations (INGOs). He has collaborated with eminent institutions such as Oxfam and Caritas Bangladesh, contributing his expertise to projects of significant societal impact.

Rahman’s scholarly contributions extend to the international stage, marked by his active participation in international conferences where he has also had the honor of presenting his scholarly work. Furthermore, he has a good body of research papers published in prestigious international journals. Rahman’s scholarly pursuits are characterized by a deep commitment to the advancement of knowledge in the domains of gender, women’s empowerment, gendered aspects of climate change, sustainable livelihoods, and rural development.


Journal Papers


Implications of changing urban land use on the livelihoods of local people in northwestern bangladesh

Publication: Sustainability

Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Sharif A. Mukul, Hamidul Huq,

Patriarchal challenges for women empowerment in neoliberal agricultural development: a study in northwestern bangladesh

Publication: Social Sciences

Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Hamidul Huq, M. Anwar Hossen,

Implications of ict for the livelihoods of women farmers: a study in the teesta river basin, bangladesh

Publication: Sustainability

Author List: Md. Mizanur Rahman, Hamidul Huq, Md. Mizanur Rahman, Hamidul Huq,

Women-led climate change adaptation: a study in northwestern bangladesh

Publication: Sustainability

Author List: Hamidul Huq, M. Anwar Hossen, Md. Mizanur Rahman,


Gendered Perspectives on Climate Change Adaptation: A Quest for Social Sustainability in Badlagaree Village, Bangladesh

Publication: Water

Author List: M. Anwar Hossen, Md. Mizanur Rahman, David Benson, Syeda Zakia Hossain,

Conference Papers

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